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FAQs for the Complete by Juice Plus+ products
Do you still have one or two questions about Complete by Juice Plus+ products? No problem! You can find the answers here.
1. Can I consume Complete by Juice Plus+ products if I have allergies?
As a general rule: all Complete products are foods which consist of ingredients typical for food. Almost all (protein-containing) food can cause allergies. The decision regarding the consumption of Complete products by those with an existing allergy must be made by the customer or their medical practitioner. Details of the ingredients in the individual Complete products can be obtained here
2. Can Juice Plus+ Complete products be consumed by diabetics?
As a general rule: according to modern dietary recommendations, diabetics can eat “everything”, including carbohydrates. They simply have to take them into account in the calculation of the nutritional value, e.g. in order to fine-tune the needed dose of insulin. Due to the low glycemic index, Juice Plus+ Complete is ideal for diabetics.
Juice Plus+ Complete products contain the following amounts of carbohydrates:
Vanilla Shake 28.9 g / ready-to-eat portion
Chocolate Shake 27.0 g / ready-to-eat portion
3. What are the type of sugars within Complete products and the sources?
Complete Vanilla and Chocolate Shakes Powder
Our Complete Shake formulas contain sugar from grape juice and sugar beet. The type of sugar present is predominantly sucrose, with small amounts of glucose and fructose.
- A ready to eat portion of Complete Vanilla or Chocolate Shake prepared according with directions contain lactose (milk sugar) from the 250ml skimmed milk, beside the above listed type of sugars.
Complete Mixed Fruit Bar
The Mixed Fruit Bars contain agave syrup and rice syrup. The fruits within the mixed Fruit Bar also contribute to the overall sweetness (e.g. cranberries, mango pieces, dates). The types of sugar provided are fructose, glucose and sucrose.
Complete Chocolate Bar
The Chocolate Bars contain agave syrup and rice syrup. The chocolate and fruits within the Chocolate Bar also contribute to the overall sweetness (e.g. cranberries, raisins, chocolate pieces). The types of sugar provided are fructose, glucose and sucrose.
Complete Vegetable Soup
The vegetable soup contains a small amount of sugar, coming from the array of vegetables present in the formula (e.g. carrot, broccoli, onion) and the maltodextrin. The types of sugar provided are sucrose, glucose and fructose.
- A ready to eat portion of Complete Vegetable Soup prepared according with directions contain lactose (milk sugar) from the 300ml skimmed milk, beside the above listed type of sugars.
4. What about the quality of protein in Complete by Juice Plus+ products?
Thanks to the combination of different vegetable protein sources (soya, soya-tofu, rice and chickpeas), the protein in Complete has a high biological value (BV = measure that defines the efficiency with which protein from food can be converted into substances made naturally by the body), which means the quality of protein is exceptionally high. A protein-rich diet is advantageous when doing sports or strength training.
4. Do Juice Plus+ Complete products contain fructose? What does this mean for people with fructose intolerance?
Juice Plus+ Complete shakes contain the following amounts of fructose:
Vanilla Shake 13 g / ready-to-eat portion
Chocolate Shake 12 g / ready-to-eat portion
The threshold of fructose intolerance can vary widely. For some people, intolerance can be triggered by just a few grams and for others, only after taking daily amounts well in excess of 10 g.
By way of comparison: 1 glass of apple juice (200 ml) contains approx. 13 g fructose.
1 banana contains approx. 20 g fructose.
The decision regarding the consumption of Juice Plus+ Complete products by those with a fructose intolerance must ultimately be made by the customer or their medical practitioner.
5. Are Juice Plus+ Complete products gluten-free?
All Juice Plus+ Complete products are gluten-free*.
*In accordance with the latest Codex Alimentarius standard (FAO, UN, WHO, 2007) as well as the EU Regulation EU) No 609/2013 and No 828/2014. This means the gluten content in the final product is less than 20 ppm (mg/kg).
7. Are GMO ingredients used?
GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) The Juice Plus+ Company Ltd. does not use foods that are made from GMO ingredients.
7. Are Juice Plus+ Complete products lactose-free?
The powder of the Juice Plus+ Complete shakes is also lactose-free. The shakes will be lactose-free if skimmed milk is replaced with lactose-free skimmed milk. As an alternative, unsweetened non-dairy milk can be used, ideally enriched with calcium – e.g. soya milk. However, the nutrition information on the label of a ready-to-eat portion is calculated using 250 ml conventional skimmed milk, since this corresponds to the recommended intake.
9. What do I need to be aware of when consuming Complete by Juice Plus+ products while taking medication (possible interactions)?
Complete products are foodstuffs. Details about the possible side effects with certain food or food groups are generally ound on the information leaflet which comes with the medication. The labels of the Complete products list all the ingredients and can be found here
10. Can Complete by Juice Plus+ products also be consumed during pregnancy/when breastfeeding?
As a general rule: pregnant and breastfeeding women should regularly eat a varied and well-balanced diet. Improper weight loss by means of a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet – approx. < 800 kcal/day) can lead to poor nutrition which is dangerous for the development of the child. We generally advise against losing weight during pregnancy or when breastfeeding without first seeking medical advice.
11. Can Complete by Juice Plus+ products particularly support me before and after sporting activities?
Complete products are extremely suited to taking before, during, and after sporting activities. The products are comprised of high-quality nutrients in optimum proportions and vegetable proteins with a high biological value (see protein quality). Therefore Complete products are a particularly valuable source of nutrition for athletes.
12. I have a soya allergy, can I consume Complete by Juice Plus+ products?
Soya is an essential ingredient of all Complete products. Only allergy sufferers themselves can estimate the risk of a possible allergic reaction.
12. Are Juice Juice Plus+ Complete products vegetarian, can they be prepared as vegetarian food?
To ensure the Juice Plus+ Complete shakes are completely vegetarian, prepare with unsweetened non-dairy milk, ideally enriched with calcium – e.g. soya milk. However, the nutrition information on the label of a ready-to-eat portion is calculated using 250 ml conventional skimmed milk and does not apply to alternative methods of preparation.
14. Can I prepare Complete by Juice Plus+ shakes with water?
The nutritional profile of the Complete Shakes is based on the nutrients from both the skimmed milk and the Complete powder. Preparation with water would reduce the nutritional value of the prepared drink, and may compromise your overall nutrient intake. For this reason, we recommend following the on-pack directions for use, or discussing alternatives with your Healthcare provider.
15. What ingredients do Complete by Juice Plus+ products contain?
The ingredients of the individual Complete products are listed on the respective label.
Complete Chocolate Shake Label