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The Art of the Start: How to Beat Procrastination & Smash Your 2019 Health & Fitness Goals


This week I want to talk with you about procrastination. Yep. That little thing that has the power to kill your dreams, and stamp on its remains!
And, it's January, after all.  
That time of the year so many of us want to start over and achieve that goal we've secretly been drooling over these last few months.
Well, instead of eye-rolling yourself come February, thinking why did I even bother trying this year, here are some tactics to help you beat procrastination and smash your New Year health and fitness goals.  



Practice the Art of the Start
While visualizing ourselves achieving that #1 goal we have, in all its glory, IS essential. Without any action, visualising ourselves at our happy healthy weight, or crossing the finishing line of our first half-marathon, only gets us so far.
At this stage of achieving your New Year goal, the most crucial aspect of making it happen is practicing the art of the start.  
Any goal is manageable one action at a time. And the easiest way to nip procrastination in the bud is to: tackle your easiest task first.


While it's great to set goals in your Discomfort Zone, the best way to tackle any goal is to start with tasks in the Comfort Zone.  
For example, if your goal is to run a half-marathon later this year, the easiest next step might be to get sized for a new pair of shoes. Or, find a weekend training group to join.  
If your goal is to lose a few pounds by eating cleanly, the easiest first step is to find yourself a bunch of Clean Eating Recipes and write yourself a shopping list!


There are at least 3 reasons to front-load goal achievement with easy tasks:

1) They create motion. Taking the initial step on anything is often the hardest. But when you begin with easy steps, you lower the threshold for taking action. And this, my friends, is how you trick your brain into starting.

2) They create emotion. Getting some quick wins under your belt boosts your mood - ticking off a few tasks is exciting, and boosts your confidence.   
3) They create momentum. Doing tasks that are easy, first, set you up for feeling good about your progress make it easy to build momentum. You might also find the tough tasks get easier as you go.


Reemember, begin by looking for one simple task.
You basically want to set the bar so low, you could fall over it. Once that task is done, you move onto the next.  
It doesn't matter how big the goal is, it can be accomplished if you take it one step at a time!
And when you feel resistance creeping in, about to stop you again from doing something you know has the power to move you closer to achieving a dream goal, stop and ask yourself these questions: 
What is this really about?
What am I afraid of?  
What is the VERY WORST THING that could happen here?
What is the true likelihood of that happening?  
And even if it did, on a scale of 1-1- how bad is that really?
What is the BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME here?  
On a scale of 1-10, how awesome would that be?
So which wins out?  
The good, or the bad? The possibility and potential, or your fear?
Here's to your best year yet - 2019!  You've got this!

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