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Why you need to stay hydrated this summer


It’s sticky in the car, it’s sweaty on the train and it’s muggy on the bus. Yes, even in the great British summer when it’s raining, it is still HOT. Opening the curtains to grey clouds, you might be mistaken to think you don’t need to keep hydrated. It’s not 40C so I don’t need to worry about keeping hydrated? Wrong. Depending on your build, your body can be made up of up to 75% water. 75%!!! That is a lot of water. So, let’s delve a little deeper…



Why do you need to stay hydrated in the summer?

We all know that our body needs water to survive. It is a well-known fact that the body can last longer without food, than it can without water. It is our body’s carrier of essential nutrients, waste products and other components around the body. Our bodies use water in all our organs, tissue and cells, and help regulate body temperature. Water also keeps your body tissue moist, which means it protects your joints and other body parts which are prone to getting dry (mouth & eyes for example). So, as you can see, water is essential to live healthily. We lose water through breathing and sweating – hence why it is more important than ever to remain hydrated during the hot summer months, when your body is secreting more sweat.  The easiest way to assess your hydration is to look at your urine. Yes, sorry, it’s grim! If you’re urine is a dark colour, you are probably dehydrated. Your urine will be clear if you are well hydrated!




How much water do I need to drink a day?

This is obviously different for every single person, depending on your height and weight, but the ideal would be to drink 1.5 litres or 2 litres a day. Yes, that’s a lot of water! But did you know that there are some high water content foods, which you can consume that up your water count? Watermelon, blueberries, pineapple, cucumber, celery and lettuce are all extremely high in water content. Other vegetables like courgette, aubergine, raw carrots and raw broccoli also contain some water. So including some of these into your daily diet can be an easy way to up your water intake.


Closeup shot of young woman drinking a glass of water. African girl drinking water durinh her lunch


How can I get more water into my day?

For people who aren’t used to consuming a lot of water, it can be extremely daunting trying to hit the 1.5L mark. My advice would be to always carry a water bottle with you and sip throughout the day. Also try to have a glass of water with your three meals, even alongside your other beverage of choice. Flavoured water is a great option if you find the taste of water boring – and herbal teas also count! Also keep a glass of water by your bed when you sleep, as overnight the body can use a lot of water, leaving you dehydrated when you wake up. Making an effort to drink more water is really a win-win situation. It’s an easy way to help your skin glow, aid digestion and keep your mouth feeling fresh. Go on – commit to the 1.5L challenge!


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