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Healthy Picnic Ideas

Yes we’re entering into the sizzling summer months and it’s time for some dining outside! I thought I would share 15 super healthy and inventive picnic ideas – step away from the sausage rolls and consider packing some of these delights in your picnic hamper!

1.     Bean salad

Such an easy win this one – just get a combination of your favourite beans, mix with some herbs and olive oil for a delicious and refreshing salad.


2.     Home made hummus with crudités

Chickpeas, garlic, tahini, lemon juice and olive oil in a blender make an extremely basic hummus, which can be enjoyed with crudités of your choice!


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3.     Fresh guacamole

This is one of my favourites – just find a ripe avocado and mix with lime juice, coriander, olive oil and cherry tomatoes for a super quick and fresh guacamole.


4.     Kale crisps

A perfect alternative to crisps – just spread your kale on an over  shelf, sprinkle with salt and olive oil and bake until crispy. Pop in a container and enjoy as a crunchy snack!


5.     Sandwich skewers

I love these, because you get the goodness of a sandwich without the bread! Anything goes here. I like Parma ham with cherry tomatoes, peppers and pickles!




6.     No mayo potato salad

Ditch the predictable mayo potato salad and combine with chives and olive oil instead. Simple and delicious.


7.     Smoked salmon and eggs

Smoked salmon and eggs is always a winning combination – so why not bring this to your picnic table? I suggest hard boiling your eggs and serving with a little rocket and smoked salmon. A burst of lemon juice would be a divine addition!




8.     Tomato salad

Get yourself some chunky beef tomatoes, olive oil, basil and slice up some mozzerella. Divine!


9.     Frittata

You know I love a frittata – so versatile and perfect for on the go or a picnic! Use any combination here that tickles your fancy. Top tip, feta works beautifully as it melts.


Mini frittatas with peas, green onion and feta


10.     Lime cubes

This is such a simple idea to give your water a kick! Just freeze a lime wedge in an ice cube and pop in your water. Will give your water that gorgeous lime kick!


11.     Fruit kebabs

Simple and to the point, can’t go wrong with these! Go for any fruit combo that takes your fancy. I love melon, mango, strawberries and kiwi.


Fresh Healthy Tropical Fruit Shish Kebabs


12.     Dark chocolate dipped strawberries

Okay these are slightly decadent, but slightly guilt free when we remember how many antioxidants are in dark choc! Dip in strawberries and leave them to set in the fridge, so they are cool and crunchy when you bite!


13.     Water melon squares

A good sugar hit with minimal effort – just chop this up! If you’re feeling fancy, get a cute cookie cutter and make some lovely watermelon bite shapes!


14.     Fruit ice lolly

Perhaps these aren’t great if you’re out for a long picnic, but certainly a great addition if you’re not too far from home! You can make juice from scratch and freeze – or even whizz up some fresh fruit with yogurt and freeze for a delicious post picnic treat.




15.     Refreshing ginger juice

Perfect to wash all this down with – a rejuvenating ginger and lemon juice! Use apple or pineapple juice for the base, and juice in a juicer along with lemon and ginger.

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