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8 ways to motivate yourself to stay active this winter.


Yes, we’re in the depths of winter. It’s also post-Christmas and there may be a little part of you that knows you will feel so much better if you just get some exercise in your schedule. But the days are short and it’s freezing outside – how do you even start to get that burst of motivation you need?

We’ve all been there, but there are a few things that you can do to get yourself moving. Try any of these to get grooving!


1. Go with a friend.

Find a pal, family member or your partner and you’ve instantly made what may seem like a chore, a social event! You can share your exercise goals, have a catch up and motivate each other to keep going. A few laughs wouldn’t go amiss either! Bingo – you’ve caught up with your bestie and have 40 minutes clocked on the treadmill!

2. Try a new class/exercise you’ve never tried before.

Always wanted to try yoga? Sign up to a course! Want to get back in the pool? Go to your local leisure centre! There are so many types of exercise out there, there is guaranteed to be two or three you haven’t tried before. With bootcamps and pay-per-class offers across the country, I promise you will be spoilt for choice!


3. Sign up for a Personal Training session.

Aghhh the scary ‘personal trainer’! It may seem daunting, but sharing your fitness goals with a professional can actually be incredibly liberating. Better yet – they will know how you can achieve it AND give you unlimited encouragement and motivation. Your local gyms may offer some great PT’s, but also don’t be afraid to shop around. Find someone who works for you and understands what you want out of it, plus understands your other commitments.

4. Go outside for a run/walk.

Yes it’s freezing but fresh air feels so good! Put on your layers, wrap up warm and get out in that fresh air for a walk in your local park or just around the block. Be in 10 minutes, or an hour – it all counts!


5. Try a simple rewards system.

Why don’t you try rewarding yourself for your hard work? Perhaps you can’t have your favourite biscuit until you’ve done a work out? Or that steak you’ve been craving – save it for a big protein burst after a workout. A little treat might be the thing that keeps you going!

6. Exercise at home!

Newsflash – you don’t have to leave the house to exercise! There are thousands of books, online videos and workout DVDs you can do, right from your living room floor! Explore the options and you might be surprised what you can do under your roof!


7. Buy yourself some sleek new gym gear.

A little new purchase could really be the answer – why not treat yourself to some new gym leggings or perhaps some brightly coloured trainers? It could even be as simple as a new water bottle or an energy bar you’ve been dying to try. Whatever it is – make sure you need to exercise to use it!!

8. Make a banging music playlist.

This is one of my favourites - put together a playlist of your favourite power tunes and you won’t even notice your legs doing the work!

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