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Kicking Butt in 2017


Let go of stodgy uninspiring resolutions and create a vision for 2017 that you love.

Very often we set goals or resolutions for the New Year and we never follow through on them. My sneaky suspicion is that we actually are NOT excited about the goals we’ve chosen. Consider creating goals that are more meaningful to YOU that get you excited… and more importantly get you into action.

Step 1: Take Stock


Start by taking stock on your last year... think about what went well.

Light a candle… get still… reflect… write it down.

Use these questions to help guide you:

  • When were you in the flow... and kicking butt last year?
  • When were you feeling good?
  • Who felt good to be around?
  • When were you eating well, exercising and feeling good in your body?
  • When was it easy… and you felt engaged and motivated?


Step 2: Add Meaning


Now that you’ve highlighted what’s gone well and what felt amazing last year.

Think… why were those times special?

  • Name the feeling? Relaxed… free… interested… excited… amazing?
  • What was going on during that time that made it different?
  • Why did it “feel” good?

When I look back at my year… the highlights were often at times were I felt connected to people, times where I overcame a personal hurdle and times when I’ve allowed myself be truly me and speak my truth (and felt safe.)


Step 3: Create More of What Felt Good


Instead of focusing on obtaining the material things… focus on creating a successful and meaningful life. Do more of what makes you feel good and more productive, in the flow. This will lead you to more happiness and over time and more success in any goal you’ve ever dreamed of.

Change the goal to be about what feels GOOD

  • Be happy at work = stop hanging out with the complainers and start making coffee meetings with people you admire at work
  • Earn more money = get passionate about your job again… learn, read, get coached and become more invaluable
  • Lose weight = find fitness that you love to do and a partner to do it with
  • Cook more = find someone who knows how to cook and spend time with them planning, shopping and cooking



Step 4: Create Visual Reminders


Our lives are so darn busy and demanding… we need a constant reminder of what we truly want in our lives so that we can continue to focus on what we want versus getting distracted with people, TV series or Facebook.


Step 5: Talk About It


Tell people what you really, really want in life. Let them support you and don’t be afraid to ask for help. We don’t get there on our own.

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