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I love meal planning

said no one ever

Here’s 4 different ways to plan your meals and stress less.

Read through each meal planning strategy and…

Pick the strategy that feels good and doable.

The 3-Day Win

~ Plan 3 days at a time.

To eliminate overwhelm and the possibility that food will go off, plan and shop for 3 days. Then go shop for another 3 days. This will start you on a very good rhythm of keeping fresh food in the house and you will start to know more of what’s in your fridge and what’s in the shops for faster shopping.

Here’s a typical shopping list used by Vanessa for a few days of shopping.



~ Keep It Simple Stupid

No recipes here. Plan on cooking foods simply based on a rotation of the basic nutrition requirements. The family can season the food as they wish with different sauces or condiments that you keep on the table on a lazy susan.

It’s guaranteed to be successful when your people can choose how they want to season their own food. 

Don’t worry if the kids use ketchup or chocolate syrup on their spinach… at least they are eating green.


The “I Don’t Have to Think” Solution!

~ Try a food delivery service. All you need to do is follow a recipe.

UK: Hello Fresh
Weekly menus, delivered weekly. Portioned for singles or families and even vegetarian or not… you will have the fresh ingredients delivered to your home at about £4 a portion.

UL: River Ford Organic Farmers
Fresh organics... “Like having an allotment without the digging!”

Leftover “Make-over”

~ Plan to cook once and eat twice.

One thing that grosses some people out, is to cook meat. Although it tastes great, handling meat can be yucky. The idea is to cook your meat with extra portions and use the leftovers in the next meal. This saves time and money.

Here are two examples…. One meat and one vegetarian.


  • Make two whole chickens with roasted vegetables and rice.
  • Save one chicken for the next day.
  • Shred the second chicken on day two to make quesadillas.
  • Place shredded chicken on tortilla, top with cheese, chopped bell peppers, jalapeños, and sprinkle with cumin. Cover with another tortilla and bake in a hot oven till the cheese melts or the chicken is heated through.


  • On day one… split your butternut squash, take out seeds and roast.
  • Day one… make a lovely warming curry pumpkin soup.
  • Day two… make pumpkin and goat cheese pizza ;-)

We hope that you find these approaches interesting and perhaps it sparks an idea within you to get your butt quicker through the shops and cookin in the kitchen… dare we say, “happily!”

From our fridge to yours… happy meal planning!

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