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Get Better Sleep (the fun way!)

Without high quality sleep, your body doesn’t have time to rest and recuperate. Because of that… your body literally starts to age overnight! I don’t know about you… but I’d like to stay looking/feeling younger as much as possible.

Without enough sleep and being tired, you will…

  • Have more sugar and coffee cravings
  • Find it difficult to process and keep memories
  • Not be able to think clearly
  • Be emotionally unstable and irritable
  • Not adequately recover and detox




1) LAUGH ~ Time to loosen up

There’s nothing more relaxing for your whole body than to have a deep belly laugh or some silly giggles. I love watching a short comedy clip or texting some smack with a funny friend.

2) RELAX ~ Create a beautiful bedtime routine

Try one or all of these to create your own sacred bedtime routine

  • Wash your face and lotion your entire face and body with a lovely lavender lotion. Make sure to rub every part of you while being fully present and connected to yourself.
  • Sit quietly for 2 minutes and ask yourself “what’s the best thing that happened today?”
  • Breathe deeply into your belly for 2 minutes
  • Journal for 5 minutes

3) MAKE LOVE ~ it just works

It works solo too ;-)


If that was to TOUCHY FEELY for you… 

Here’s the FUN TECHY TIP

~ Learn about your sleep with apps 

I was having trouble sleeping and it didn’t know how bad it was until I got a sleep tracker (aka step tracker.) Here’s what I learned. I was in bed for 8.5 hours, but only sleeping deeply for 4 and I was waking up about 6 times. That enabled me to know the real story and so I could look for a way to deal with it. Watch the video…

* Quoted from the amazing book called The Body Doesn’t Lie by Vicky Vlachonis.

Whichever one you choose, do pick one and let me know how it goes! I love the feedback. So curious!


To your health,


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