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Steps to a healthier Christmas


Tis the season to be jolly and to eat vast amounts! We all do it – overindulge in the festive season. Copious drink, mince pies, party nibbles, chocolate and that’s even before we’ve reached the actual Christmas day feast! I don’t know about you, but I inevitably come out of the festive period feeling bloated, fat and completely gluttonous. And whilst this is one the best parts of Christmas – it doesn’t have to be this way. Follow these simple steps to curbing your Christmas indulgence and feel so much better come New Years for it.


1. Replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate.

Although dark chocolate has a few more calories than milk, it has much fewer carbs. This is because dark chocolate is brimming with healthy monounsaturated fats. It has half the sugar and four times the amount of fibre than milk chocolate. And it contains so much iron! Essentially, dark chocolate makes you strong and has so much goodness it in to keep you healthy.

2. Get walking!

It’s important to remember to keep active during the Christmas season, especially when there is so much food being eaten! Go out on a post Christmas feast walk with family or friends. Keeping sociable whilst walking off the food!


3. Keep hydrated.

When there is so much rich food being consumed it is more important than ever to maintain your intake of water. The recommended is two litres a day – but I would recommend more!

4. Take time to plan some proper delicious vegetable dishes into your Christmas meals.

There is so much to be said for vegetable dishes with a roast and I don’t think they get enough attention! Braised red cabbage, chestnut brussels sprouts and steams leaks with herby vinaigrette are just some of my favourites. Honey roast for parsnips and swap in your roast potatoes for sweet potatoes.  


5. Have a winterberry medley as Christmas dessert.

This is so warming with delicious syrup on it and can totally be naughty if you accompany with proper cream or ice cream. A perfect palate cleanser and lighter dish to the end the meal.

6. Swap your party canapes for some healthy alternatives!

Carrots with humus, olives, vegetable crisps and plain nuts (not the salted or sugar roasted ones!) are all good options. There are also many vegetable based party nibbles you could whiz up in the kitchen. Including mini courgette fritters, chunky guacamole with crackers or mini vegetable kebabs!


7. Get some rest – proper rest.

The run up to Christmas can be so bonkers, especially if you’re working, entertaining the kids whilst planning a massive meal for all the family. Take up a mindfulness hobby to help relax - colouring, meditation or yoga are all great options to help you unwind. You’ll need it for 2017!

8. Use the time to refresh your skin.

The cold winter air, exhaustion and lots of indulgence can play havoc with your skin. Try a deep cleansing facemask. This will pull out so many of the toxins in your skin and leave it feeling super smooth.


9. Eat until your full and no more!! Don’t eat for the sake of eating.

This really will lead to the bloated feeling. An easy to do this is to curb the snacking. It’s hard when there is so much food lying around, but only eat if you actually are hungry.

10. Cook from scratch!!

You can control what goes into your food if you cook it yourself and this can only be a good thing. Less salt, less fat, less additives – just your ingredients and own fair hands!


I’m wishing you all a healthy and happy Christmas!

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