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Autumnal seasonal veg and what to do with them!

You might not be a full-blown veggie, but the new season brings some delicious vegetables, which are now in season. Yes, autumn brings the warming flavours of the likes of pumpkin, butternut squash and also some of the iron rich greens like spinach and Swiss chard.  

So you might have heard of some of these, but what do you do with them and how can you consume them in a weekday dinner? I have some top tips to enjoy delicious autumnal vegetables!

Fall Autumn Harvest Background With Butternut Squash Pumpkin And Rosemary

1.  Butternut squash

Butternut squash provides a hearty portion of potassium, fibre and a load of vitamin B6. It is also high folic acid, which is essential for a healthy heart and lots of other vital bodily processes. So how can you eat butternut squash? Roasting is a delicious option – just toss in some olive oil, seasoning and a drizzle of honey and roast for 35-45 minutes. You can also steam them until soft, and whip into a creamy mixture with lots of butter and pepper.


grilled cauliflower

2.  Cauliflower

Cauliflower is another great source of fibre, and minerals like magnesium and potassium. Also packed with vitamin C and K. Cauliflower is often seen as a bland vegetable, but did you know it can be a great alternative to rice or noodles? Yes, cauliflower rice is a real thing! All you need to do is blitz your cauliflower in a food processor until smooth, or even grate it. Then you can flash fry or microwave for a delicious low carb alternative. Mix with seasoning and fresh herbs for a delicious side.



3.  Turnip

The turnip has been cultivated for over 4,000 years and the leaves are extremely rich in vitamins like calcium and iron. ‘Baby turnips’ are harvested quite early at their growing stage and have a sweet taste, but as they advance in age, the turnip taste becomes much earthier. They may look intimating, but don’t be scared off! Baby turnips can be eaten raw in salads, whereas the bigger ones can be boiled in 35 minutes in small chunks. Mash with butter after for a rich alternative to potato.



4.  Parsnip

The parsnip is the less orange relative to the carrot, and a good source of vitamin C and folic acid. The more classic and delicious way to enjoy parsnips is to roast them up, and don’t be fooled to think this is just good for a roast dinner! Delicious with some fresh fish, roast your parsnips with honey and a tiny bit of ginger for a super fresh taste.



5.  Swiss chard

Rich in potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamins K, A and C – Swiss chard is a nutritional powerhouse! Sautee your chard with garlic and olive oil for a delicious side to fish, poultry or meat.

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