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3x3 with Luke: Transform your journey from work to the gym into a mini workout

Finally, it’s the end of the workday! Whether your plan is to get home, visit your friends or quickly run to the store it would be a pity not to make the most out of your commuting time. So why not try transform part of your journey into a mini workout and strengthen your muscles? Also, after finding out what you can do on a sidewalk or a beton cube, your commute from work will become a fun adventure!

1. Exercise: Fast Feet Step Ups

Fast feet step ups is a great little cardio exercise to get the heart pumping whilst targeting the calves, quads and glutes. Time this exercise as an interval circuit - 1 minute or more.

2. Exercise: Box Jump

Plyometric jumps (box jump/ bollard jump) are a compound exercise designed to build, strengthen and trigger your fast twitchfibers, activating many muscles in your body from your legs right through to your upper body. The main focus will be in your lower body that has to work hard so you can leave the ground. It’s an excellent way to build strength, burn calories and can help lose unnecessary weight.

3. Exercise: Bodyweight Walking Lunge

A true functional exercise moving from one leg to another as we do in everyday life.  This exercise can challenge your balance whilst you maintain your posture when moving forward, it mainly targets the quadriceps but also stimulates the calves, glutes and hamstrings.

Important: Repeat the 3 exercises 3 times! 

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