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Stepping out of the comfort zone - jumping on a surfboard

Written by Bernadette Mullins

As I once again sit in Gran Canaria, this time in Bahia Feliz, I reflect on the last time we were here. Four months previously Darren, my husband, and I were flown out by the Juice PLUS+ Company to spend a long and magical weekend together in Puerto de Mogan. I had won an Instagram competition after posting an image of my One Simple Change. The prize was an amazing trip to Gran Canaria, and while we were out there to have a paddle boarding lesson with Björn Dunkerbeck, famous 41 time world champion windsurfer

We had the morning to explore and at this point were unsure about who the other competition winners were. We walked around the beautiful marina and sat in the sunshine whilst watching the activity in the bay.

At 3pm we met the other competition winners, who were all from Germany. Kerstin, Derik, Alex and Laura, so there was six of us in total. We headed down to the bay to meet Björn and his team. After a short briefing we were all quickly kitted up with boards and paddles and headed into the bay. Some were naturals and some were not! But it wasn’t a competition or so we thought! We had fantastic fun and brought quite a lot of attention to ourselves in the bay! Björn was so laid back and had a dry sense of humour.

Then the big surprise was revealed! It was then announced that we had all been entered into a competition the next day and needed to be there at 10am. In the past the prospect of this may have scared the life out of me, but since joining Juice PLUS+ in January 2015 my confidence and energy has skyrocketed. 

The next day, after another scrumptious breakfast we headed over to a bay just along the coast. On arrival we were given race tops, numbers, tags and T-shirts. The race was a mix of all abilities, but some people were surprised to learn that for most of us our first time on a board was the day before! The sun shined and we enjoyed an incredible day on the beach. When it was time for our race the six of us started, but only two finished….of course I was one of them!

The race consisted of four laps of the course, which totalled 2 kilometres, so in fairness it was quite a long distance for complete beginners! Not only were we pushed to leave our comfort zone and experience something new, but realized that through this we grew together as a team in no time. I was elated I completed the course and we celebrated with the crew and other competitors in the Sundowners bar. 

We as a “winning” team headed back to the hotel and enjoyed our last evening together discussing the day’s events. We stayed up to the early hours, chatted, laughed and had great fun together.

The following day we all left apart from Derik who stayed on a few more days. He ended up taking part in another paddle boarding competition and won a medal so sunhats off to him!      

Juice PLUS+ brings people together and offers so many opportunities. We are here again enjoying a last minute holiday in Gran Canaria with our children this time, and thanks to Juice PLUS+ we made the decision to return to this beautiful country. But more importantly we have made some friends for life and look forward to our next Juice PLUS+ adventure together. 

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