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Pimp Up the Menu with One Simple Change

How to get more fruits and vegetables in!!!

There are really good reasons why we eat junk foods, why we prepare store bought processed food and why we don’t make time for ourselves. By doing these things we are supporting our current lifestyle and the need to get it all done. It’s easier to buy the processed stuff and manufacturers know that.


Here’s how in… One Simple Change!

Make a list of what you are already eating and what the family favorites are. Take your existing meals and “PIMP them UP” by adding in a leafy green or new vegetable.

Practical Examples:

  • Put baby spinach leaves at the bottom of a plate of spaghetti Bolognese. The sauce and pasta gets all mixed up and then the kids (and parents) eat up all the spinach unknowingly.
  • Shred carrot onto a sandwich.
  • Eat your eggs with bacon AND steamed kale.
  • Buy already washed salad greens and add a handful to whatever you are eating.
  • Add arugula or chopped red peppers onto your pizza.
  • Offer the burger AND a side salad.
  • Make an omelet with spinach and mushrooms.
  • Put two stalks of broccoli on the dinner plate with whatever you’re having.
  • Make your instant noodles and add freshly chopped bok choy! (This is my personal favorite upgrade. Look how beautiful it is!)

By making this One Simple Change, you are getting you and your family onto the road to making better food choices. They may look at you like you’re a crazy person, but that’s okay, because they may just react with a… “oh okay… I still got my burger, my steak and my pasta… it’s no problem to squeeze in two pieces of broccoli ;-)”


Tell me!! What have you tried?

Have you “Pimped Up” your meals before?

Leave comments for me below!


To your health!


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