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4 EASY STEPS to Get the Family Eating Better


I know this might seem like a shock, but there was a time that I cried about what my son was eating. There wasn’t a vegetable or piece of meat in sight. He wanted only crackers, cereals and breads. I was worried about all the nutrition he might be missing out on. And as a health coach I felt hurt, upset and sure I was failing at being a mom. I wanted so much more for him including greens, healthy fats and nutritious super foods. So I took a step back, took a deep breath and went back to my nutrition books. That’s when I remembered to stop my pity party, get out of my own head and focus on what’s going right.

My son is eating period. He is healthy, vibrant and thriving. He is eating oats, yogurt, some milk, and eats lots of apples. Maybe it’s not so bad that he’s eating a lot of bread and crackers.

Check-in Question:

  • What is going right with what I eat?
  • What is going right with what my family is eating?


There is nothing worse than someone standing over you and watching what you are eating. It also doesn’t feel good when someone is trying to shove a piece of food in your face. I’ve had people at cocktail parties shove an appetizer in my face. No matter how good it is I immediately back up and cringe. WTF? No wonder why kids do that too when a piece of broccoli is pushed in their face.

Check-in Questions

  • Where am I putting pressure on my kids to eat better?
  • Where am I putting pressure on myself?
  • Is it helping?


Don’t roll your eyes. This really works!

One day Kai and me took some broccoli and ripped it apart into bite size pieces. He then helped me put it into the steamer pot with a bit of salt. When dinner was ready… he was so proud to stab the broccoli with his fork and eat it. He ate five huge pieces along with some rice. I was shocked, because he had never touched it before. Now he eats “brokkowi” in curries and soups without a problem.

Yes, this takes time. Breathe. You are teaching them a life skill.

Here’s a list of what the kids can do. Remember their age and help them to do it until they can on their own.

  • Rip kale or salad greens into pieces
  • Knead dough
  • Pick herbs from the garden
  • Spin the salad spinner
  • Grease pans and cake tins
  • Toss the salad
  • Sift flour
  • Help with the menu plan
  • Tell you when the timer is finished
  • Stir the batter
  • Turn on/off blenders and mixers
  • Grate carrots and cheese
  • Measure ingredients
  • Smell each spice before adding it in
  • Set the table
  • Put out and place napkins in holders
  • Call the family to dinner

Check-in Question:

  • Where can I spare a bit of time to get my family involved in the meal? Weekend?

Benefit: They become aware of food and it’s preparation. It doesn’t just show up in their face to either enjoy or turn their nose up to. They become personally involved and responsible.

It’s a great feeling to be a part of something, isn’t it?


There’s nothing more motivating than having a good time. Doing the healthy thing doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Try a new gelatin recipe with fresh juices or experiment with a local seasonal vegetable that you’ve never had before. Go to the farm and pick your veg and see the animals.

Get fresh. Get local. Enjoy the natural food experience that Europe has to offer.

Create a plan for improving your family’s lifestyle.

Ask yourself these 4 questions and get into action.

  1. What is going right so far?
  2. How can I take some of the pressure off?
  3. How can I get the kids involved in the kitchen this week?
  4. How can we have more fun?


I’m rooting for ya!

Support Hugs.
Your health coach,

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