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How To Be Brave: 6 Steps to Getting Your Courage On

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

That thing you want to run away from, the person you’re terrified to speak to, that something you’re not sure you really want because it’s starting to scare the pants off you?

If you want a life of as few regrets as possible, learning how to face your fears and how to be brave are the very things you need to do.

While it might feel impossible to believe our infinite potential exists on the other side of our comfort zone, each time we don’t embrace our discomfort and get comfortable being uncomfortable, we weaken our strength, courage and confidence.

Side View Of A Woman Imagining To Be A Super Hero Looking Aspired.


If you’re ready to say “Enough! Bring it on?” learn:


How to Be Brave -

with these 6 Confidence Building Tips:



Of all the times you have faced a fear and got stronger from doing so. Write them down and treat this as your Book of Evidence.

Refer to it often!



Make a list of those things you’re afraid to do and decide you’re going to start saying yes to them.

To become fearless, we need to practice becoming fearless. So why not use whatever irritates frustrates or frightens you as bravery training?

Another way to add a little perspective is to ask yourself:

“Who would be happy to have this problem that’s scaring the crapola out of me right now?!”


Energetic Young Woman Fight With Boxing Gloves.



Decide to channel the adrenaline you’re feeling into a force for good.

Ask yourself: How can I make use of all this “energy” I’m feeling?

Remember, action is the antidote to fear.

And if the thing you’re grappling with at the moment feels too big, begin by smashing it into smaller parts.

What’s something you can take action on today to bust through your comfort zone and get that one step closer to saying: “I DID IT!!” 


Belief in yourself is what generates the power, skill, and energy needed to “do” that thing you’re here to do.When you believe I-can-do-it, the how-to-do-it will come.

Belief is what triggers the mind to figure out the ways and means to do something. And believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you too.

But don’t worry about thinking you have to have 100% believe in yourself right now.

All you need to do is acknowledge there’s the “possibility” you can you do something, even if it’s tiny!

Remember that like brings about like and the more fear you infuse into any situation and worrying about what might go wrong, the more you create the playground for precisely that to happen.

So if you can’t quite muster up 100% belief in yourself right now, then focus on the possibility of why it just might turn out and how you’re going to feel when it does!




Then, play by this rule:



Some of the reasons we don’t do the things that frighten us are because we’re afraid of being judged, stumbling or being fearful of success just as much as we’re scared of failure. 

We’re so attached to getting something done perfectly right the first time, we won’t even give something a go.Instead of realising it’s the process of doing something that’s the time of growth – and can be the most fun!

So, try this:

Develop a philosophy of living more in the moment without worrying about how it turns out. Doing so will help build your sense of fearlessness, bravery, and courage.

So what if it doesn’t turn out!

If you give something your all and it doesn’t turn out, you’ll undoubtedly learn something about the situation or yourself you didn’t know before, and that will have already been worth pushing through your fears for.


Say Yes To New Opportunities. Studio Shot Of Beautiful Dark-haired Caucasian Woman In Stylish Clothe



Here’s to living your life as a daring adventure!

When we D.A.R.E., we:

-    Defuse from our negative thoughts

-    Accept discomfort, set

-    Realistic goals and

-    Embrace our values


We empower ourselves and get unstuck.

Of course, whenever we choose to try out new things, explore new horizons and turn our life into a daring adventure, we will experience the pain of growth.

Growth will always include plenty of fear. We’re human after all! 

But with a little courage, we get to take back the power we give our fears and live the life we came here for.

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