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12 Summer Salad Ideas

Ah summer, the month of barbecues, summer salads and refreshing beverages.

Whilst we all know what we prefer on the BBQ. Some like sausages, others prefer burgers or maybe you’re more into a kebab. What kind of salads do you like to accompany your main dish?

If all you can think of is a green salad, then never fear, we have some brilliant ideas for spectacular side dishes for your summer feast.




Oh the classic potato salad, but this with a twist!

If you need to carb load, this is the perfect dish. Simply squeeze lemon juice and a small garlic glove into your mayo and mix. Cover your new potatoes with the mayo mix and sprinkle with chives.

Bon appetit!



Everyone loves coleslaw and it’s actually pretty straight forward to make.

Just combine shredded carrots with shredded cabbage. Then mix with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, vinegar, sugar, sour cream (if you wish), onion, some herbs (like chives) and mix together. You can also add mustard for extra kick.


Caprese salad with mozzarella, cherry tomatoes and fresh garden basil. Top view



Simple and classic but a sure fire crowd pleaser!

Simply take a selection of gorgeous cherry tomatoes, slice in half or leave whole and dress with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Tear up fresh basil and scatter over the tomatoes. Season with pepper and even add mozzarella for a decadent twist.



Simply boil the green beans for around 5 minutes, before taking off the heat and putting to one side. Once cooled, cover in oil and balsamic vinegar, season with pepper and mix together.

Add a squeeze of lemon for a citrus flavour and don’t be afraid to add some crispy bacon or smoked pancetta for an extra kick.


Spring Salad And Tortilla



Chop up some of your favourite vegetables, such as aubergine, courgette, red onion, peppers, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.

Cover in olive oil and garlic and roast in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Once out, let cool and crumble feta over the top. Serve immediately – delicious!



A gorgeous summer combination.

Just cook your peas, squeeze over lemon juice, season with pepper and tear off mint leaves. Mix together and enjoy.


Pasta Penne With Arugula Pesto And Cherry Tomatoes On Light Background, Top View


You can go for any kind of pesto here, be it green or red and any type of pasta!

Why not go for something different, like farfalle (bow shaped pasta) or conchiglie (shell shaped pasta). Stir with pesto; add sundried tomatoes from a jar and season.



Roast your aubergine with oil in the oven, before letting cool slightly and adding to a bowl of peppery rocket. Sprinkle over pomegranate seeds and enjoy the pop of colour.

Sweet and savoury at it’s best! 


Delicious American Cobb Salad On Plate



Typically made of:

  • Lettuce leaves
  • Egg
  • Bacon
  • Vinaigrette
  • Avocado
  • Chives
  • Chicken breast 

This salad is still a fabulous addition to any spread. The meaty additives make it extra filling.

Try soft boiling your eggs for 6 minutes to get them just a tiny bit runny on the inside.



Super refreshing and quick to make! 

Chop up some beef tomatoes and cucumber into big chunks and mix together with herbs, olive oil and lime juice.




A fibre packed bowl!

Simply chose some of your favourite beans, like kidney beans, butter beans and black eyed beans and mix together with some fresh herbs, fresh garlic, seasoning and olive oil.


Chop up sweet potato and butternut squash and roast these in the oven, until lovely and soft. Once roasted and delicious, add olive oil, vinegar, spring onions, chives and honey for the dressing.



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