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No More Excuses

How many excuses do YOU have?

We are still in January… have you sabotaged your new year’s resolutions already? I know, I know... sensitive topic. I'm struggling to get into any kind of exercise routine this year, because I’m so busy. AND I'm addicted to coffee (again.) 

Tune into a positive vibration.

Change your negative excuse into a positive sentence.
Say it and watch how it changes your mood almost instantly.

Here, I've done some examples for you:

I don't have enough time.

I have all the time I need.

I have too much to do.

I have time for myself.

I can't live without coffee.

I love rehydrating myself with fresh clean water.

I'm travelling and it's too hard to find something healthy to eat.

I'm travelling and it's fun to search for healthy local foods to eat.

My personal favorite is… I have all the time that I need. It always works to calm me down when I feel anxious and I’m trying to get it “all” done.

Reframe your thoughts to get back into action.



Our biggest challenge is often in the mind…

Tell me your number one excuse in the comments below and we can reframe it together. We can make 2016 amazing… by finding out what is holding us back and what will get us into action.


To our success!


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