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7 yummy fruits and vegetables you can grow at home

Learning to live sustainably is a journey we all have to take at the moment and one way to do that is to think about growing your own fruits and vegetables.

Not to mention it’s a fabulous way to get your kids excited about fruit and veg, and where it comes from!


Laughing Baby Boy With Apple


When it comes to growing your own, many people assume you need a whole vegetable patch to nurture your own produce, but that’s not the case!

These products you can grow whatever your house, flat or garden size and you don’t even need a garden!

Just a balcony or windowsill will do.


Salad Mix With Rucola. Fresh Vegetable Salad, Healthy Food, Salad Leaves. Dietary Food Concept. Vege



Easy and a fabulously versatile ingredient, you can plant these in pots and put them wherever you have room! 

Sow the seeds in the summer and then harvest 3 weeks later. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, as you can harvest leaves until late autumn. 

Keep well watered and sow the seeds in rows or scatter across the pot.





Another veggie you can grow in a pot or in the ground, if you have a garden. Sow the seeds March to July and then harvest 8 weeks later. 

These require little maintenance but good to make sure the soil is well prepped before planting, by removing all the weeds for example. And it’s a good idea to water the soil the day before you plant your seeds.


Tomato Cherry In Basket Tomato In Hand South Asia



Tomatoes are fast growers and extremely versatile, you can plant these anywhere from your garden, to pots or even hanging baskets! 

These are ideal for your kids as you can quite literally see them grow to life. Plant the seeds February to April and harvest anywhere between July and October. 

Make sure they have plenty of plant food and water for a tasty crop!





Bright in colour and a delicious, fibrous addition to any salad, these are best planted throughout the summer and can be harvest after a month. 

These are best grown in the ground, but they don’t need much room to flourish!


Fresh Broad Beans In Old Rustic Kitchen



Broad beans need a little more planning ahead, as these need sowing from November to March and then ready to harvest from June. 

You can either sow them directly into the ground, or start them off in small pots and transfer over then they start to grow. 

Top tip is to get rid of the leaves when they reach about 90cm tall, to promote the production of more pods!


Fresh Chives Table Top Isolated On Black Wood Background Grass-like Leaves Fines Herbes



A delicious addition to lots of dishes, sow a few seeds thinly across the surface of very small pots in early spring and watch them grow! 

Keep the plants well watered during long dry summers and they tend to die away late autumn.


Blackberry And Currant Jam



Perfect for jams, jellies or just a fruity snack, currants love shelter so they are perfect for growing in containers.

However, they also need full sun to best to have a balcony or garden to cultivate these. 

They flourish best in well-drained soil and keep a net over your currants to avoid them being stolen by birds!

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