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Power Up Like Popeye! Eat Super Food Leafy Greens


Remember Popeye? Whenever he needed some instant power to kick ass… he’d down a can of spinach. There you go. The original super food, leafy green!

Why they are amazing?

Most greens have calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, and potassium inside. Plus they have vitamins A, C, E, and K. What’s more? They are full of good fiber and contain additional goodies such as folic acid and chlorophyll.

Why did Mother Nature give us these gorgeous greens?

She always gives us what we need. Depending on the green, they help to:

·  strengthen our immune system

·  detoxify our bodies

·  promote good digestion

·  clear congestion

·  help to alkalize the body

What kinds of leafy greens are out there?

Kale, spinach, artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, swiss chard, rucola, parsley, basil, celery, cabbage, bok choy and so much more. You can have a new one every day!

How to get those greens inside you ;-)

·  Buy fresh at your local farmer’s market.

·  Grow your own in a small box on the windowsill or garden (family fun.)

·  Frozen. Ready when you need it and all the nutrition in tact.

·  Bridging the gap… Check out Juice Plus+ Vegetable Blend.

  • This special blend contains… parsley, broccoli, kale, cabbage, and spinach. That’s                          incredible!
  • Experts recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. To be honest, that is not always               easy to do. Juice PLUS+ bridges the gap by adding to your diet the most important active                       ingredients in fruits and vegetables.


How are you going to get more leafy green into your life?


Try a green smoothie… delicious and fun to make ;-)


Apple | Mint | Spinach

Prep Time:

1 minute

Cooking Time:

1 minute


4 servings


1 apple

Handful spinach

5 mint leaves

Some water or ice cubes


1.    Put all ingredients together

2.    Blend well in a blender or with a hand-blender


Enjoy as a refreshing drink in the summer afternoons.


Banana | Mango | Spinach

Prep Time:

1 minute

Cooking Time:

1 minute


4 servings


2 bananas

3 mango slices

Handful spinach

1 part liquid: You can choose one of the following:

                       Water, Milk, Rice milk, Soy Milk

Ice cubes (if you want it cold)


1.    Put all ingredients together

2.    Blend well in a blender or with a hand-blender


Try this as a way to get veggies in early morning
or as a post-workout recovery drink.


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