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12 adventurous ways to enjoy the classic apple

Ah, the great British apple!

Whether it’s a shiny red apple or a green that takes your fancy, we all know biting into an apple makes a quick and easy snack. And whilst yes, they are so delicious as they are; there are also so many ways you can re-vamp this delicious ingredient.

And better yet, autumn is peak season for the British apple! 

Sweet and savoury, we’ve collated some apple-inspo to get your tastebuds tingling.

Healthy Vegan Toast With Nut Butter And Honey. Top View. Vegan Food, Vegetarian, Healthy Eating, Hea



Requires almost zero prep and ultimate snack satisfaction.

Slice up your apple and serve with your favourite nut butter – a chunky peanut butter or a smooth cashew or almond works brilliantly.

Or if you’re feeling something even sweeter, opt for a cacao and hazelnut spread – it’s just like nutella!



Your normal weekday porridge but better!

The best thing about the compote is you can make it in advance and then reheat when you wish.

Peel and core the apples, chop into chunks and pop into a pan and add a tablespoon of sugar along with 3-4 splashes of water. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon and simmer on a low heat until the apple pieces have dissolved and you’re left with deliciously sweet, translucent compote!

Add a dollop on top of your porridge.





Super simple, super delicious.

Thinly slice a red apple on top of a bed of rocket and sprinkle over chunks of feta. Drizzle with an olive oil and balsamic glaze for extra oomph.



You just can’t go wrong with an apple tart.

There are many ways to make an apple tart, but you can always keep it simple by buying a pre-made pastry base and thin layering your sliced apple in a swirl, before covering in sugar.

Bake and enjoy!


Bowl Of Apple Banana Smoothie With Granola, Caramel And Peanut Butter (apple Pie).top View With Copy



For those who love a deliciously vibrant smoothie bowl in the morning, this one is for you!

Peel and chop 2 apples, and one pair, before adding to a blender along with coconut water, half a banana, handful spinach and a cupful of apple juice (juiced yourself or from a carton).




Easy peasy, just add some fresh grated apple on top of your granola next time and enjoy the zing to your breakfast bowl.


Apple Cinnamon Granola For Breakfast. Selective Focus.



Take the apple compote recipe from number 2 and add to coconut yoghurt instead, along with a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds.

Add a drizzle of date or agave syrup and you’ve got a delicious dessert.



A classic combination as we head into autumn and definitely one to be served with some delicious green veg.

Find your favourite sausages and chuck on the grill or roast in the oven, meanwhile chop up your apples and add to a saucepan alongside lemon juice and water. Bring to the boil and then allow to simmer on a low heat until you have a chunky liquid consistency.

Blend if you would like smooth!


Tasty Grilled Pork Sausages



Everything you love about a crumble, but in layers!

Go for your favourite recipe to get the crispy top and delicious filling, but instead of just popping the crumble topping on the top, add two layers inside too.




A sweet and refreshing combination, especially with the crunch of the pine nuts.


Waldorf Salad



We all know pork and apple are a winning combination – here we are just adding them to a gorgeous salad.

Cook up some pork loins and slice up some salad and arrange on a bed of sweet lambs lettuce.



Apples, walnuts, a shaving of Parmesan and you’ve got a pretty refreshing side dish.



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