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How to nurture relationships with your partner this Valentine's Day

As we come up to Valentine's Day, it’s easy to think that it’s all about romance and focusing on pouring love and affection into your partner. Yet there are so many relationships that require equal love and attention, like our family and friends.

Each special relationship we have requires nourishment and nurture. Consider each one like a seed, needing water, love, light and food to grow and blossom.

So how can we nurture each of our relationships?

Valentine Couple. Beauty Girl and her Handsome Boyfriend holding heart shaped air balloon and kissin


Your relationship with your partner is naturally nurtured at the very beginning but things change as the relationship becomes more safe and familiar. Whilst both of these factors are vital, it’s important to remember that your relationship still needs attention when you’ve been together for a number of years.

Maintaining intimacy is essential, as well as communication and shared goals. Don’t underestimate the power of a compliment too!

These are key for motivating each other to reach your full and shared potential. And isn’t that what love is all about? Enabling your partner to be the best version of themselves.

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