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Are you ready for bikini season

Yes... I’ve got a couple of extra kilos still hangin around from Christmas with the family. Total sabotage of my favorite foods (S’more Brownies, Spag and Balls, Italian sausage with my mom’s homemade sauce… fuggedaboutit!)

FYI – Diets are out of style.

Of course there are many, many diet books out there on the market. But doing a diet is so old school. These days we talk about “living a healthy lifestyle” and making changes that stick for the long term. No more yo yo dieting.

There are three things you can focus on NOW… to be ready for bikini season in SUMMER.

Sleep Like a Baby

  1. Find Fitness that You LOVE
  2. Eat at least 5 Fruits and Veg a Day

Surprised? Yep…here’s why…

1) Sleep Like a Baby

  • If you are tired, you automatically look for something to eat, because food is a typical way to get more energy. A sugary snack is often the choice. And if you are really tired, you may snack all day long. Not good for the waistline.
  • If you are tired and grumpy, it’s very difficult to make a healthy snack choice, because all you want is something to comfort your grumpy moody self.

2) Find Fitness that You LOVE

Look… if you don’t like going, you’re not going to go.

  • If gyms are not your thing… then do a fitness “taster.” For one month try at least 4 different movement activities. Most studios offer a free trial. Try without commitment. 

Good questions to ask:

  • Do I like the people there?
  • Is it easy to travel there from work or home?
  • Did I enjoy the activity? Did time pass quickly?
  • Are the hours suitable to when I can go?

Here are some ideas if you feel blocked.




Online Courses







Soul Cycle






Running Club


Home DVD

Barre Class


3) Eat at least 5 Fruits and Veg a Day

When doing a diet, we often focus on what we can’t eat. This theory flips it around and gives you a goal… how many vegetables can you squeeze in in one day?


How to physically get more fruit/veg in:


Add fruits

  • Simply eat and apple and a banana.
  • Add berries and a banana to your smoothie.

Add a vegetable

  • Spinach/mushrooms/peppers with your eggs.


Add fruit

  • Orange slices are a great addition to a sandwich or a side salad.
  • Apple slices are great in a meat sandwich.

Add a vegetable

  • Add rocket or spinach to your sandwich.
  • Eat a small green side salad.
  • Eat a shaved carrot salad.

4p.m. Snack

Add fruit

  • Apple with almond butter ;-)
  • Dried fruits with coconut chips.
  • Nice berries with a plain Greek yogurt and some honey drizzled on top.

Add vegetable

  • Chopped carrots/celery/pepper.
  • Pickles and a piece of cheese.
  • Fennel wedge with orange or grapefruit slices.


Add fruit

  • Eat a small portion as a dessert

Add vegetable

  • With Pasta… have a side of broccoli and a small side salad.
  • With Thai food… place a small portion of fresh spinach leaves on the bottom of your bowl and place the thai food on top. The flavors will meld and you won’t notice the spinach ;-)


One Simple Change

Now that you have options to get ready for bikini season…

Which One Simple Change will you choose to start with this week?

By choosing only one simple change each week to focus on… you will develop new habits that stick and last a lifetime.

Need a plan to get your started?

Here’s my FREE plan to get ready for summer.

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